Global Accessibility Awareness Day in Bangalore, India
Srinivasu Chakravarthula
2018-04-17 13:29:26 UTC
Dear Collegues,

Apologies for cross posting.

This year Global Accessibility Awareness Day (
http://globalaccessibilityawarenessday.org) is being observed in an unique
way in Bangalore, India. Until last year, we used to just host one event
and bring all category of people under one roof. This works well, if we are
able to host a full day event with series of presentations or activities.
But practically, a full day event is not well received due to the work load
that people would have and various other reasons. We have realized it's not
possible to do justice to all category of people for a 2-3 hour event. So
this year, we have decided to host multiple events to create real impact to

On 16th April, we have kicked-off an event for College students.
Accessibility has to begin at the education level. For next 2 weeks,
students are expected to test a few websites and write blog posts with
their findings. Objective is to give them a taste of accessibility.

Up next is GAAD for Disability Organizations and People with disabilities
(This will be less of technical event). In this we intend to discuss how
disability organizations and people with disabilities promote accessibility
and put in advocacy efforts in this area. This will be hosted at Mitra
Jyothi (http://mitrajyothi.org) a non-profit organization working towards
empowering people with disabilities in general and visually impaired in

Then we will have GAAD for Geeks hosted at Prakat Solutions (
http://www.prakat.com) a company with mission to test the limits; Prakat's
offerings also include accessibility services. In this GAAD for Geeks, we
will have a 30 minutes talk (Looking for speakers who can join us via
Google hangout or YouTube Live at 16:30 Hrs (GMT + 5:30 Hours)) followed by
hands-event where participants can test their own products for

On 17th May, 2018 - we will be hosting a Leadership conclave to discuss
business case of accessibility for decision makers.

Finally on the same night (i.e. on 17th May, 2018) we will be having a 2
hour event called GAAD celebrations where we will be celebrating
Accessibility that includes recognizing a few companies who have done
wonderful work in the area of accessibility.

Please spread the word and help us getting good participation. More details
are available on http://gaad.in

This event is a joint initiative of Prakat Solutions and Mitra Jyothi with
support of other sponsors and partners.

For any questions, do please write to me at ***@srinivasu.org


Srinivasu Chakravarthula - Twitter: http://twitter.com/CSrinivasu/
Website: http://www.srinivasu.org | http://serveominclusion.com

Let's create an inclusive web!

Lead Accessibility Consultant, Informatica
