New Resource: The Business Case for Digital Accessibility
Shawn Henry
2018-11-09 12:44:16 UTC
Dear WAI Interest Group List Subscribers,

The W3C WAI Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) today published a new resource that describes the rationale for organizations to address accessibility:

The Business Case for Digital Accessibility

The resource includes direct and indirect benefits of accessibility, and the risks of not addressing accessibility adequately. It describes that accessibility can:
* Drive Innovation
* Enhance Your Brand
* Extend Market Reach
* Minimize Legal Risk
It provides case studies and examples that demonstrate how continued investment in accessibility is good for your organization.

EOWG welcomes other case studies, see https://www.w3.org/community/wai-engage/wiki/Case_studies
Comments are also welcome via GitHub or e-mail. These are linked near the bottom of the page under "Help improve this page".

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Sharron Rush, EOWG Co-Chair
Brent Bakken, EOWG Co-Chair
Shawn Henry, W3C Team Contact for EOWG