This really is a great thread.
never forget how you made them feel.......
dictate where we are going.
- there's no guidance on what you should and shouldn't do with your
CSS (and HTML?) in order to support good custom stylesheets. But if there
was, it might not take a CSS expert to create them.
Wilco, one of the examples that I run into when replacing the page font
with one I find easier to read is that icon fonts are clobbered. One
suggested technique is to use role=âimgâ on these icon fonts so they can
more easily be omitted from the replacement styles I use.
Similarly, knowing which background images are really decorative and can
be removed versus the background images that are meaningful and can stay is
another challenge since there is no clear way to communicate their
Jonathan Avila
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*Sent:* Thursday, July 19, 2018 6:41 PM
*Subject:* Re: User Stylesheets are Assistive Technology
Hey Wayne,
I really appreciate this e-mail thread. Going from its past work, AG
hasn't really seen custom stylesheets as assistive technologies. For
example: Color contrast is easily solved with a good custom style sheet,
provided the content author didn't do a few things that can get in the way
of the custom stylesheet. But rather than prohibit that, WCAG went the
route where there's some base level every site needs to meet, and whoever
needs more is just out of luck when it comes to those sites where custom
styles don't work.
The opposite was true for the WCAG 2.1 rule about word spacing (which is
where I can see your influence at work Wayne!), where the requirement
wasn't to have some minimum amount of word / line / paragraph spacing, but
rather to build the UI in such a way that it can be changed without
breaking. A very interesting move, and also completely the opposite
approach to the one taken with color contrast (or for reflow).
What it makes me wonder is some subset of "rules" can be defined for
building a site that support customisation. For instance, is it okay to put
informative images in CSS when there's an off screen text alternative?
Should CSS content ever be used to inject "content" in the WCAG meaning of
the word? It seems to me that, right now, there's no guidance on what you
should and shouldn't do with your CSS (and HTML?) in order to support good
custom stylesheets. But if there was, it might not take a CSS expert to
create them.
Nothing actionable today. That's why I am on the IG. I will formulate
something actionable soon.
I am gathering up ideas.
Best Wayne
Is there anything actually actionable you're hoping to get from this
discussion? It's interesting, but I'm missing the context, or a concrete
"and for this reason I think we should do X".
Post by Wayne DickI will now focus on users with low vision. It is a good example because
the scope is simpler than cognitive disabilities, but the solution space
is similar.
The current model of AT does not work for people who have low vision and
cognitive disabilities. We need a personalized user interface. The
access we need is like the access given by stylesheets when they work.
We need selector level personalization.
It is very clear that this cannot be provided by an AT that runs outside
of the browser. That would be an extreme breach of security. Right now
CSS or browser extensions are the only way to achieve this result. There
are difficulties with both of these, but for now that is all there is.
Ultimately there needs to be a way to pass style preferences to browsers
in a way that uses can get their visual style changes. Until then, CSS
and extensions are it.
Don't discount a tool that serves subject matter experts with
disabilities. We do need to work. Ordinary users with low vision cannot
write CSS. Most people who are blind don't write screen readers but they
need them. (The NVDA staff is a cool exception)
The bottom line is that CSS is one of the only languages that can safely
mitigate the accessibility needs of the small group people with low
vision who are IT professionals. It keeps many us working.
It is extremely scary to live in a world where a basic method of
accommodation can be taken away without notice, because nobody
understands the extreme value of these tool to our lives. CSS is one.
Configurable UI tools are another.
Jon's comment on Windows 10 really illustrates the problem. For Jon the
change was good. For me it made my 13 inch laptop impractical to use.
Personalization is really necessary, but mainstream users think of it as
a nice feature, not a necessity. That is why people with fully sight and
no print disability can talk so casually about using CSS as an AT. CSS
is not ideal, but for many it's infinitely better than nothing, or
screen magnification.
User stylesheets written to modify visual access are Assistive
Technology. "hardware and/or software that acts as auser agent
<>, or along with a
Post by Wayne Dickuser agent, to provide functionality to meet the requirements of users
with disabilities that go beyond those offered by mainstream user
agents" WCAG 2.0
Best Wayne
On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 5:28 PM J. Albert Bowden
"I think a major issue with user stylesheets is that there are no
Post by Wayne DickCSS-APIs that you could work against."
selectors are about as stable as they come and incredibly effective.
a generic stylesheet may not beat specificity 100% of the time, but
that shouldn't discount it, by any means.
moreover, any style sheet added to the document is going to have to
be scripted in, and even more likely in javascript.
so since we are already using javascript, lets just find the styles
that are not winning the specificity wars and then rewrite the style
at a higher specificity.
we can also use javascript to address frailty/brittleness in
selectivity; offer a nav/modal that appears on activation. read the
dom, present page elements in nav/modal with toggles/options, etc.
there are already a ton of bookmarklets that do most of this, pieces
of this, etc.
i actually think bookmarklets are more ideal here for
cross-browse/rplatforms, most particularly in terms of maintenance;
however, then i think it becomes an issue of user adoption. not many
people know about bookmarklets.
maybe i'm missing something entirely? i am certainly not an a11y
Post by Wayne DickOn Wed, 18 Jul 2018 21:40:11 +0200, Tobias Bengfort
I think a major issue with user stylesheets is that there
are no stable
CSS-APIs that you could work against. A user-stylesheet is
basically a
monkey-patch that will break on a regular basis.
In order to get this working reliably we would have to
convince authors
to trat their CSS as a public interface and announce
breaking changes
early on. I am not sure this reasonable.
We would. But in a world of CSS preprocessors and so on, it is
possibly easier than it might seem.
There are lots of people who claim to be accessibility
experts who
disregard the value of user stylesheets as a significant
technology to
mitigate problems of visual interface. Actually they
work quite well.
This technology is used primarily be people who are left
out of the
mainstream ATs. They are a way to change colors, ensure
a personalized
contrast ration, control column width and many other
Post by Wayne DickI use Safari because the browser will host user
stylesheets. It is too bad
that other browsers decided to stop supporting this
important assistive
I think the AG should at least recognize that this is a
form of assistive
technology that is available in a technology landscape
that offers almost
nothing useful for most people with low vision and
cognitive disabilities.
For those who want to tell me how wonderful screen
magnifiers are if I just
used them correctly, don't bother. I probably know how
to use them better
than you. For my needs, screen magnification scores zero.
Wayne Dick
Chaals: Charles (McCathie) Nevile find more at
Post by Wayne DickIs there really still nothing better?
J. Albert Bowden II <>
Patrick H. Lauke | |
*Wilco Fiers*
Senior Accessibility Engineer - Co-facilitator WCAG-ACT - Chair Auto-WCAG