aria-function details
Greg Gay
2018-09-11 15:22:44 UTC

I came across "aria-function" being used in the COGA techniques, while I
was trying to understand SC 1.3.6 Indentify Purpose in WCAG 2.1.


I'm not finding a reference to the attribute anywhere in the WAI-ARIA specs.

Is there a formal description yet, or one coming together, that details
how aria-function should be used?

Is there support yet in any browsers/AT etc. we can use to test

There's also a few other unfamiliar WAI-ARIA attributes in the COGA
draft, I'm not finding details for:

* aria-feedback
* aria-explain
* aria-numberfree

Assistance much appreciated...

Nick Beranek
2018-09-11 16:16:17 UTC
Hi Greg,

I notice that the language surrounding the aria-function attribute says
words like, "will" (e.g. "one technique will be to use"), "example", and
"under development". Given that these attributes are not a part of WAI-ARIA
1.1, I suspect that these are proposals for new ARIA attributes to assist
persons with cognitive disabilities.

Post by Greg Gay
I came across "aria-function" being used in the COGA techniques, while I
was trying to understand SC 1.3.6 Indentify Purpose in WCAG 2.1.
I'm not finding a reference to the attribute anywhere in the WAI-ARIA specs.
Is there a formal description yet, or one coming together, that details
how aria-function should be used?
Is there support yet in any browsers/AT etc. we can use to test
There's also a few other unfamiliar WAI-ARIA attributes in the COGA draft,
- aria-feedback
- aria-explain
- aria-numberfree
Assistance much appreciated...
Nick Beranek
Accessibility Tech Lead
Digital Accessibility Team
Capital One

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Greg Gay
2018-09-11 17:34:45 UTC
Thx Casey and Nick,

In terms of Sufficient Techniques for SC 1.3.6 then, are there any
others besides using ARIA landmarks?

What should we be suggesting in terms of adaptive interfaces and
personalization for Identifying Purpose, that can actually be
implemented today in some standardized way?

Maybe Lisa or Michael can chime in.

Hey Greg,
Looks like a mistake in an early draft, according to this Github issue
<https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues/33>, and
should be "aui-function" to indicate its theoretical status. The
editor's note from a related document
Personalization semantics defines a set of properties and values
to annotate content. The specific mechanism to apply these
properties to content has not been decided. Several approaches are
under consideration
<https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/wiki/Comparison-of-ways-to-use-vocabulary-in-content> and
future drafts will show progress. To help with understanding of
the properties, this document provides many examples of
personalization semantics applied to content, which show
attributes beginning with the prefix "aui-". /This has not been
decided as the chosen approach/, but the simplicity supports
understanding of the examples.
I came across "aria-function" being used in the COGA techniques,
while I was trying to understand SC 1.3.6 Indentify Purpose in
WCAG 2.1.
I'm not finding a reference to the attribute anywhere in the WAI-ARIA specs.
Is there a formal description yet, or one coming together, that
details how aria-function should be used?
Is there support yet in any browsers/AT etc. we can use to test
There's also a few other unfamiliar WAI-ARIA attributes in the
* aria-feedback
* aria-explain
* aria-numberfree
Assistance much appreciated...
*Casey Smith*
Digital Accessibility Team
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information transmitted herewith is intended only for use by the
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message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that
any review, retransmission, dissemination, distribution, copying or
other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon this
information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
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